Saturday, March 30, 2013

Green Tea and Acne

How Green Tea Can Help Acne

Green tea is a great natural way to help the cardiovascular system and with weight loss.  It has long been used to support cardiovascular strength, and it may help with both blood pressure and cholesterol.  It also helps to maintain healthy metabolic function, and it may help the body to lose weight.  However, new studies have also shown that applying green tea to the skin can have beneficial effects as well.  The antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which gives green tea its cellular health supporting powers, also works to support healthy skin

Two studies conducted in Asia (one on animals, one on humans) have shown that applying green tea to the skin can help to maintain healthy sebaceous glands.  The first study found that green tea may help to limit the production of sebum.  Sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands, and it is used to make sure that the hair and skin don't become too dry.  Although the body needs sebum, when too much is produced acne occurs.  The study found that applying green tea to the skin may help to reduce the size of the sebaceous glands. 

Researchers found that EGCG may help to limit the effect of insulin like growth factors on the sebaceous glands.  Insulin growth factor can increase the size of the sebaceous glands and increase the production of sebum.  By limiting the amount of sebum, green tea may help to reduce the occurrence of acne.  The second study found that when green tea is applied to the skin it may help to limit sebum production, but it may also help to fight bacteria.  One of the main causes of acne is bacteria that can be found on the skin.  These bacteria can cause infections and inflammation, and it can increase the unsightly appearance of acne.  EGCG may also help to reduce inflammation on the skin, so green tea addresses three of the main causes of acne. 

If you find yourself struggling with acne, green tea may offer your skin health some help.  Green tea has been used to support weight management and the cardiovascular system, but when applied to the green tea may have a positive effect on the sebaceous glands.  Green tea may help to reduce the production of sebum, reduce the amount of bacteria found on the skin, and help to fight inflammation. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Face Masks for Dry Skin

How Dead Sea Mud Mask Can Help Dry Skin

People all over the country use facial masks to support the skin, and many use them as a way to fight dry skin.  Face masks used for dryness provide the skin with beneficial nutrients that promote skin health and hydration.  One of the most beneficial ingredients for dry skin is Dead Sea mud, and it can be used as a mask to lock in moisture.  People all over the world flock to the Dead Sea to wade in its water and bath in its mud, but Fundamental Earth has brought Dead Sea mud to you with their new product Fundamental Mud.

Dead Sea mud works by creating a seal over the skin.  This helps the skin to absorb the minerals and nutrients that Dead Sea mud has to offer.  This action helps to improve the health of the first layer of skin, which is frequently made up of dead skin cells.  The seal and the minerals allow the skin to lock in moisture and maintain hydration for longer periods of time.  Dead Sea mud is a great way for correcting skin imbalances, whether the skin is too oily or too dry.  These imbalances can cause acne, so correcting it will most likely help quite a bit. It also helps to improve the flow of blood to the skin, and this helps to warm the skin.  This warmth supports the body and skin's natural release of toxins and sebum.  People are always shocked at how Dead Sea mud also helps to improve the lines that show their age.  By improve the health of the skin cells, Dead Sea mud can help to smooth out divots and wrinkles that can show the age of the skin.

Face masks for dry skin can be a great way to support healthy and well hydrated skin, and they also provide a number of other benefits for the skin.  Dead Sea mud is a great ingredient to use for a facial mask, and it provides the skin with incredible nutrients and minerals.  Fundamental Mud is a natural and chemical free facial mask that utilizes the incredible Dead Sea mud, and it is a great way to promote the health of your skin.