Sunday, February 3, 2013

Olive Oil and Acne Scars

Many people conquer acne only to find that they now have to confront another issue: acne scars.  Acne scars are left behind by the pustules caused by acne, and on the face they can leave behind red, brown, and pink marks.  To avoid these scars it is important not to pop pimples, especially if it is clear that the skin is infected, but sometimes scarring may be inevitable.  When scarring occurs one way to help fade them naturally is with olive oil.

One quick and easy way to regularly supply the face with olive oil is through natural facial cleansers, like Fundamental Scrub.  Olive oil will support skin health by keeping it properly moisturized, and the moisturization mixed with its natural antioxidants may help to reduce the signs of aging.  The addition of olive oil in Fundamental Face Scrub may also help to fight skin irritation and inflammation.

Now there are also a couple therapies that can help with the scarring that solely use olive oil.  One of the most useful ways to reduce acne scarring is to take olive oil and massage it into the scars.  Massage the skin for a couple of minutes, and then let the oil sit on the face for five minutes.  During this resting time heat some water up so that it emits steam.  With the oil still on the face hold the face over the bowel for about five minutes or until the water cools down.  After this gently remove the oil.  The scar tissue may be softened by now.  The next step is to use an exfoliating face scrub to remove the softened scar tissue.  Fundamental Face Scrub can offer help with this, because it has apricot kernels.  These kernels will help to remove any loose skin without causing damage to the skin.  These steps may have to be repeated for a whioe before you see a noticeable difference. There is no guarantee of removing the scars and some people may need to seek a dermatologist for dermabrasion.

Don't give up on healthy looking skin if after you get rid of your acne scars appear.  This is absolutely normal, and it can be relatively easy to deal with.  Use Fundamental Face Scrub to supply your face with olive oil, and then use the above olive oil therapy.  Gradually you will notice that your scarring is less and less visible. 

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